I haven’t posted here in a while for a whole parcel of reasons I won’t bore you with. In particular some health issues have caused me to temporarily close my Etsy and Folksy shops. I’m using the hiatus to try and clear some of the small prints stacked up in my studio (and the spare bedroom) I won’t say I’m going the whole Marie Kondo route, but I do need to declutter. These prints are being posted for sale in my Instagram account, and crosslinked from time to time to my FaceBook page and my Twitter account. The sale will run until about mid-September.
I’ll probably be running a separate sale later in the year to clear some of the reproduction prints I have in stock from when I was selling at craft fairs. I’ll post a link at the time here and on the Panchromatica Designs blog and Facebook page.
Finally, the print group I belong to, Wiltshire Print Creatives, is having a group show in November in Frome in Somerset from 9th to 23rd November. More details closer to the date.